Sir Gareth
Sir Gareth
Sir Gareth was one of the sons of King Lot of Orkney and Queen Anna Morgause along with Sir Gawaine. He was somewhat younger than his brothers and was thus left behind in Orkney when Gareth was active during King Arthur's war against the Roman Emperor Thereus and killed King Datis of Tuscany. He proved himself to be more admirable than any of his brothers: preventing Gawaine and Agravaine from killing Gaheris after he beheaded their mother while in a state of shock; condemning them for the murder of her lover, Sir Lamorak; and pleading with Agravaine and Mordred not to reveal Guinevere and Launcelot's affair. On the last occasion, he was ignored and his brothers' actions led to his death at the hands of Sir Bors during Sir Lancelot's rescue of Queen Guinevere from the stake.
When his brother Gawaine heard of his death, he turned against Launcelot and demanded that Arthur pursue him to punish him, thus setting the stage for Mordred's takeover.
Sir Gareth and Lynette
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