Sir Galahad
Galahad was the illegitimate son of Launcelot du Lake and Elaine, the daughter of King Pelles. His name be originally Welsh. Galahad was placed in a nunnery as a child because the abbess there was his great aunt. Upon reaching adulthood, he journeyed to Camelot.
He was given a white shield, made by Evelake, with a red cross which Joseph of Arimathea had drawn in blood. During the quest, he met up with Percivale, Bors, and Percivale's sister. On board Solomon's ship, Galahad obtained the Sword of David, and after the death of Percivale's sister the trio split up for a while and Galahad travelled with his father, Launcelot.
When the three rejoined forces they came to Carbonek and achieved the Grail. Galahad mended the broken sword, and therefore he was allowed to see the Grail. Galahad cured the Maimed King there of his ailment by anointing him with blood from the Dolorous Spear and the spirit of St. Joseph of Arimathea appeared and celebrated mass with the three. A vision of Christ then told Galahad how he would have more time with the Grail in the country of Sarras. So the knights left Corbenic and sailed for Sarras; and the Grail appeared to them once more onboard ship. Upon arrival, the pagan King Estorause threw them in prison; but the Grail sustained them and, when the King died, Galahad was able to take control of the country. A year later St. Joseph of Arimathea appeared to him with the Grail once more. Galahad celebrated mass and, having reached his lifelong goal, asked that he should be allowed to die. This he did in peace. Galahad was always known as the "Perfect Knight". He was "perfect" in courage, gentleness, courtesy, and chivalry.
The shield of Galahad.
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