Elite Objects
Welcome to the place where you will find out about the most holy objects of the arthurian times: various swords, armour and even things like the Holy Grail. The links below will help you.
It was sometimes known as the Spear of Longinus, the Roman officer, who pierced Jesus' side during the Crucifixion. The spear would continuously bleed. It was owned by Joseph of Arimathea, Bron, Josephus, Fisher King, Maimed King, Percivale and Galahad at different times.
This is the sword that broke when a Saracen seneschal wounded Joseph of Arimathea in the thighs. Elyezer, the son of Pelles (Fisher King) carried the sword with him, in search of the true Grail Knight. Having met Gawaine and other knights, these knights failed to restore the sword. Galahad mended the sword in the final stage of the Grail quest. Pelles awarded the sword to Sir Bors.
Caliburn was the original Latin name for King Arthur's sword and was said to have been made at the Isle of Avalon.
The bow of Tristram.
Gooswhite was the helmet of King Arthur.
The term "grail" comes from the Latin gradale, which meant a dish brought to the table during various stages (Latin "gradus") or courses of a meal.
The grail was said to have been brought to Glastonbury in Britain by Joseph of Arimathea and his followers. Percivale is the knight who must achieve the quest for the Grail, but others say that Percivale failed in his quest and it was Galahad, the son of Launcelot, who actually acquired it.
The Sword in the Stone, or the sword that King Arthur had before he broke it and before he received Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake.
The knife or dagger-type weapon of King Arthur.
The sword of King Ban, the father of Launcelot du Lac. Coreiseuse means "Wrathful".
The shield of King Arthur which bore a depiction of the Virgin Mary. According to Welsh tradition, the shield was called Wynebgwrthucher. In some texts, though, Pridwen was actually the original name of Arthur's ship.
Ship of King Arthur. This ship also appeared in Culhwch and Olwen, when Arthur travelled to Ireland, to fetch the cauldron of Diwrnach and the boar Twrch Trwyth. In later Arthurian legend, Pridwen was the name of Arthur's shield.
The spear of King Arthur in the Welsh legends.
The lance of King Arthur. It was called Rhongowennan in the Welsh legends.
The shield belong to King Evalach (Mordrain) during the time of Joseph of Arimathea and his son Josephus. Josephus painted the red cross on the white shield with his own blood. Galahad would later win the shield from the shield's guardian.
Three maidens took the shield to King Arthur's castle in Cardueil. It was left behind so that Percivale would later take the shield. Percivale used this shield to defeat the Knight of the Burning Dragon.
Gawaine won the red shield that was once carried by the Jewish hero of the 2nd century BC, named Judas Maccabee. Gawaine gained the shield when he defeated a knight. The shield bears the sign of a golden eagle.
The sword first appeared in Percivale's legend of the Grail, before it appeared in the Galahad's tradition. It was owned by Percivale, Galahad and King David of Israel.
This was the sword that Galahad drew from the float stone. Merlin had sheathed the sword into the rock after the death of Balin, the Knight of Two Swords, who had inflicted the Dolorous Blow.
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